February 12, 2025
Loop Update: New Features
Enhanced viewing scheduling
We've now updated the viewing form that displays details of other upcoming viewings for the same property. This helps you avoid double bookings, plan your day effectively, and ultimately save valuable time.
Streamlined maintenance job requests
Sending work requests to all contractor email addresses simultaneously saves significant time and effort. It ensures faster responses and quicker resolution of maintenance issues, leading to happier landlords and tenants.
Improved certificate management
Filtering by expiry date and service level allows you to quickly identify expiring certificates and prioritise necessary renewals. This helps you stay compliant with regulations and avoid potential penalties, while also ensuring properties are safe and well-maintained.
Improved Buyer Management
You can now add and filter by "Date Last Contacted" in the Buyers Grid, helping you stay connected with potential clients.
Previewing withdrawn properties
Previewing withdrawn properties (especially with new media) streamlines vendor approval for relaunches, saving you time and speeding up the process of getting properties back on the market.
Filtering sales appraisals by booker
This helps managers track the performance of individual agents in generating appraisals, identify areas for improvement, and potentially reward high performers. It provides valuable data for performance reviews and business planning.